Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chapter Nineteen (Shadow's Waiting)

Never once have I stopped reading, but when the keyboard on the old laptop got too hot to touch and there was a new laptop on the way, it was a difficult decision, I decided to wait to renew inputting my notes into OneNote.  So here we are, in Shadar Logath.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chapter Eighteen (The Caemlyn Road)

Is it action that I need?  Well, no, because I liked many of the previous chapters.  Maybe I just don't like waiting?  This chapter was fun to read.  Maybe because I know what is to come, but only perhaps.  They're on the run again - more magic from Moraine, even flashy (well, "walking" over the wall was also flashy, but fire, fire's fun).  More of Lan's character is revealed as Jordan peels away a layer, now calling him "Last Lord of the Seven Towers."  Mat does something new and kind of cool and leaves me wondering how Jordan will tie it in.  Nynaeve's "concern battling dislike," even the Wisdom is showing herself to be human.