Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chapter Nineteen (Shadow's Waiting)

Never once have I stopped reading, but when the keyboard on the old laptop got too hot to touch and there was a new laptop on the way, it was a difficult decision, I decided to wait to renew inputting my notes into OneNote.  So here we are, in Shadar Logath.

Just a couple things on this chapter and a +1 that is very intriguing to me.  Slightly out of order, but only due to the generalization of my first subject and then the specificity of the second.  First, yes, The Eye of the World has been very descriptive thus far.  I already have multiple pages of notes on how each of the characters look and we know that Egwene has brown eyes and Moraine not only wears blue a lot, but a "sky blue velvet cloak  with  thick silver embroidery" yet this chapter, Shadow's Waiting (or is it Shadar Logath?) really impressed me with how descriptive everything was.  Jordan described Mordeth down to the last detail, and then when Mordeth changed, described the change swiftly.  The description of
how the boys felt being watched on the way back to the big white building was also very well done.  The city itself is not nearly as scary as I remember it, but the watchers on the way back, they still send chills down my spine. 

On to the second topic.  Once someone, I think it was @ordinarycrook, asked if the boys have no concept of "stranger danger."  That goes well with what the heck were the boys doing with going exploring in a deserted city without telling anyone and it's a city that they were just told that the Trollocs were even too scared to enter?!  I know they have to get to Mordeth, but did they have to lack that much common sense?  Really?  And to answer the question about "stranger danger" I would actually say no, they wouldn't have a concept of it.  Why would they?  They've lived in a village their entire lives, don't really see strangers.  Besides the fact that it would be very much common sense to not trust anyone at this point in their run from Edmond's Field - if they were living their normal lives in Edmond's Field I'd think they would still have that common trust of their fellow man. 

Now for my +1 - it's rather interesting.  I've tried hard to keep prophesies and speculation about the future out of my blog, and I still will here.  All I'm going to do is go "hmmm…" about one of Rand's dreams, the dream he had while in Shadar Logath.  This is not a direct quote (if you're interested, it's nearly at the end of the chapter).

  • Rand had been a little boy again carrying Tam's sword with a cradle strapped to his back running through empty streets pursued by Mordeth who shouted that he only wanted his hand.  Also, an old man watched them, mad with laughter the entire time. 

So I say hmm...interesting...and I'll be back soon.  I have notes on chapters 20 - 22 to transcribe and post.  I'm looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're spot on when it comes to the "Stranger Danger" part. Kids who grew up in a little village wouldn't be as attuned to it. Especially after you've read the early chapters and they talk about how exciting it is to have "strangers" about.
