Sunday, August 21, 2011

Chapter Six (The Westwood)

Much foreshadowing in this chapter, but if the reader is like me at all, especially at the first read, they're just wondering "okay, what in the world is going on?"  Back during my first read I'm sure I sped quickly through this chapter hoping only for Rand to get Tam to the village and for me (the reader) to find out whether Tam lives or dies. 

But here, check this out - Rand had dreamt of wearing a sword and having adventures.  Okay, that one's a gimme, right?  Anyone can get that one on their first go around.  Hello, adventures are happening.  They just aren't quite exactly what the hero always expects when the adventure finally does happen. 

Okay, after more tantalizing hints of Tam's past, we have another one.  Looking back forward and back again we can see the "Tree of Life" reference.  Yet upon first read does the reader always catch the part where Rand is thinking  something like "maybe all the stories are real and next he'll meet the Green Man or an Ogier Giant or an Aiel Man"?  Please tell me, did you catch that; was there even anything to catch or was it too "intuitively obvious"?

More foreshadowing with the reveal that Tam brought Rand home as a baby - which makes him a "special" baby.  And now Rand's "Light, who am I?" echoes across how many books?  I expect we'll see. 

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