Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chapter Thirteen (Choices)

My first thought is I really need to slow down - I just finished reading chapter 16 by accident, without taking any notes.  My excuse?  I just wanted to follow one thread - really. 

Surprisingly, not many thoughts on this chapter (although if we wait, I'll be proven wrong as I go on).  Thought that comes to mind is that Lan is mentioned teaching the boys weapons, but although it is mentioned that all three are good with the bow, and it is mentioned Lan teaches Rand the sword and Perrin the axe, it is not mentioned what Mat is taught.  Remarkable?  Probably not, maybe even not noteworthy, yet since details are one of the important things in my re-read and Mat's my favorite character, thought I'd mention it. 

How Jordan uses Rand's eavesdropping on Moraine and Egwene to give the reader more information on channeling, etcetera is rather brilliant.  It's not an info dump, nor even a monologue to a character, just a conversation overheard.  And the first time I read Moraine's slip and the follow-up "Her road lies another way, I fear..." not sure I pondered it much.  The second time it was quite obvious, I wonder though, if Rand ever pondered it beyond that moment, or if that thought fled when Moraine looked directly at him. 

Of the rest of the things that happen, only one will I note here - Rand hearing of the Karaethon Cycle - he's vaguely familiar with the term, calls it the "Prophesies of the Dragon".  Thom educates Rand on one of the prophesies, the one of Tear. When Rand questions the prophesy's ability to be fulfilled, Thom's comeback is "A prophesy that was easily fulfilled would not be worth much, now would it?"  Thom ends the conversation with "May the Stone stand 'till I am dust."  

As I close, I am nearly daunted with the task I have set for myself.  Not only re-reading and sharing my thoughts, but also keeping track of the details, notably the prophesies.  I'm sure I will be glad of this in the future, but how much future will it take me to get there?  My onenote file will be bloated by then, I'm sure.  Stay tuned for The Stag and the Lion.

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